The phenomenon of high tide surges

Due to bad weather or the transit of a typhoon, land is at risk of being flooded due to the low-pressure sea being sucked up high, causing the tide level to rise and then strong wind blowing the sea water onto coastal area.

When the seawater flows onto the land, ships, houses, etc. can be destroyed, causing huge casualties and other damages.

Measures for heavy snowfalls

During a snowstorm, the roads become slippery, people can easily slip and fall, and traffic accidents are common. Try to stay inside and not walk around.

When you go out, make sure to watch out for slippery snow under your feet and over your head and walk slowly.

You are advised not to ride bicycles or motorcycles as the tires tend to slip easily and can prove dangerous.

If you happen to be driving and it is snowing heavily, take care that the exhaust pipe is not blocked the snow, but if there is still the possibility of being trapped in your car, call for help immediately.

Store emergency supplies such as food, candles and water in your car ahead of time.

It is recommended to clear the snow from the entrance of your house as soon as possible, and ask two or more people at a time to work on the roof to ensure safety.

Measures to take in case of a major wind storm

First of all, to protect your life, avoid driving and cycling in stormy weather: it is best not to go out at all but to stay in a safe place.

Pay attention to the weather forecast, close all doors and windows of buildings in advance and properly tape glass and other auxiliary fixed furniture, to prevent items from being blown away.

Close the curtains inside the house to prevent possible glass fragments from flying inwards, fix and protect easily fallen equipment outside the house in advance, or bring it inside. It is best to stay in the room with the least windows.

Having a minimum storage for three days of dry food, water, batteries and other supplies is important.