Measures to take in case of a major wind storm

First of all, to protect your life, avoid driving and cycling in stormy weather: it is best not to go out at all but to stay in a safe place.

Pay attention to the weather forecast, close all doors and windows of buildings in advance and properly tape glass and other auxiliary fixed furniture, to prevent items from being blown away.

Close the curtains inside the house to prevent possible glass fragments from flying inwards, fix and protect easily fallen equipment outside the house in advance, or bring it inside. It is best to stay in the room with the least windows.

Having a minimum storage for three days of dry food, water, batteries and other supplies is important.

The phenomenon of wind storm

The maximum instantaneous wind speed is often used to measure the strength of a windstorm. When the maximum instantaneous wind speed reaches 60m/s [i.e. 216 k/h or 135 mph], buildings collapse and power outages are very likely to occur.

When the maximum instantaneous wind speed reaches 40m/s, billboards fly away, moving trucks may fall sideways, flying objects break glass, and power outages are very likely to occur.

When the maximum instantaneous wind speed reaches 35m/s, roof tiles are blown off, utility poles collapse, buildings are damaged, etc.

When the maximum instantaneous wind speed reaches 25m/s, the wind outside the house is noisy, it is difficult to sleep, and there is a possibility of power outage.

When very strong windstorm occur, cars are blown over, trees branches snap or trees are uprooted and houses are destroyed.

The mechanisms of wind storm

Such storms are usually caused typhoons.

Cumulonimbus clouds are large cloud masses that produce strong winds which cause storms.

Unstable air currents in the atmosphere may cause storms.