The mechanisms of infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are caused an increase in the number of pathogens (viruses, bacteria) which enter the body. These include the COVID-19, influenza, food poisoning, etc.

Infections can be caused touching or eating something with bacteria, coughing or sneezing and inhaling pathogens in the air.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), three infectious diseases (lower respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, and tuberculosis) are among the top 10 causes of death.

Infectious pathogens continue to emerge and re-emerge, underscoring considerable epidemic challenges to public health.

Measures for heatwave

Heatwave is commonly referred to as “fierce heat” in Japan, which means that the temperature is significantly higher than the normal temperature. It is mainly used for summer weather.

Heatwave is commonly referred to as “fierce heat” in Japan, which means that the temperature is significantly higher than the normal temperature. It is mainly used for summer weather.

In Japan, since 2007, the term “fierce heat day” has been used to refer to a day when the maximum daily temperature is 35°C or higher.

Special care should be taken to avoid heat stroke in hot weather. You should hydrate and replenish salt in a timely manner, stay in a cool room away from direct sunlight as much as possible, or take protective measures.

(1) Have salt-supplemented sugar, or sports drinks, and timely hydration.

(2)Try to carry an umbrella, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, sun protection clothing, etc. when you go out.

The mechanisms of heatwave

The heat is mostly attributed to La Niña phenomenon, El Niño phenomenon or heat island phenomenon.

La Niña causes sea surface temperatures to rise in the waters around the Philippines, creating an updraft. (Similarly, when a typhoon appears over the South China Sea, the Pacific high intensifies to compensate for the typhoon’s updraft).

El Niño, a phenomenon in which water temperatures rise near the equator in the central Pacific Ocean, leading to increased convective activity in the region.

The heat island phenomenon, which is based on heat accumulation caused the perceived transformation of the ground surface and large amounts of energy consumption with the development of urbanization, the city-centered area is warmer than the surrounding area, and the hot air looms over the urban area in a dome shape, which is more significant when the wind is weak.

The heat is mostly attributed to La Nina phenomenon, El Nino phenomenon or heat island phenomenon. However, in recent years, there have been cool summers even during La Niña and hot summers during El Niño. In recent years, even without the phenomenon described above, hot summers have occurred sometimes.

It is also predicted that global warming will lead to an increase in SST near the Philippines, which will increase the intensity of the Pacific Highlands, making it more likely that Japan will experience scorching heat.