The phenomenon of nuclear power plant accidents

In the event of a nuclear power plant accident, the shutdown of the generators causes loss of power supply, loss of the ability to cool the reactors, damage to the reactors, release of radioactive materials, and explosions.
Powerful radiation leaks out of the facility, causing serious damage to people’s health, livelihood, and economic activities.


The mechanisms of avalanches

Avalanches are more likely to occur when the temperature is low and there is a large amount of snowfall in a short period of time;

On steep slopes, especially in snow caves and puddles (where snow has been blown in the wind and accumulated);

When the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius and accompanied blowing snow or strong winds; Slopes where avalanches have occurred in the past;

When the temperature rises due to early spring, after rainfall, or due to the föhn phenomenon;

When there are cracks on the slope caused snow accumulation.

The mechanisms of chemical accidents

Explosions and fires occur in chemical plants due to runaway reactions in chemical processes, causing serious damage with fatalities.

Accidents can occur at any point in the life cycle of chemicals, including manufacturing, transportation, storage, use, disposal, and production.

The causes of chemical accidents include abnormalities in raw materials, products, and other substances handled, abnormalities in equipment and machinery, errors in operation and handling, and poor maintenance and construction.

Most chemical accidents are caused human error, such as “recognition and confirmation errors”, “mishandling”, and “misjudgment” employees.

It is important to know the basics of handling chemical hazards and to exercise proper management and caution.