The damage from heavy snowfalls

The damage from heavy snowfalls includes not only disasters specific to heavy snowfall areas, such as avalanches and accidents involving falls during snow removal, but also disasters that occur outside of heavy snowfall areas, such as traffic accidents due to frozen road surfaces, accidents involving falls while walking and accidents during leisure activities in the snow.

Not only local residents but also many people who visit heavy snowfall areas for winter mountain climbing, skiing, and sightseeing are affected.

It is important to have a good knowledge of snow in order to avoid snow damage.

The mechanism of a heavy snowfall

The Japan Sea side of the country usually receives a lot of snowfall in winter.

This is due to the cold, dry monsoon winds from the Siberian highlands that occur in northern Japan during winter, absorbing large amounts of water vapor as it crosses the Japan Sea, cooling it as it rises into the mountains of Japan, and falling as heavy snow.

During blizzards, buildings may collapse, crops and agricultural facilities are damaged, power and water are cut off, communication facilities are disrupted, and villages are isolated.

Blizzards can also cause avalanches and landslides, disrupting transportation such as roads and railroads. Personal safety is also threatened.

Measures for heavy snowfalls

During a snowstorm, the roads become slippery, people can easily slip and fall, and traffic accidents are common. Try to stay inside and not walk around.

When you go out, make sure to watch out for slippery snow under your feet and over your head and walk slowly.

You are advised not to ride bicycles or motorcycles as the tires tend to slip easily and can prove dangerous.

If you happen to be driving and it is snowing heavily, take care that the exhaust pipe is not blocked the snow, but if there is still the possibility of being trapped in your car, call for help immediately.

Store emergency supplies such as food, candles and water in your car ahead of time.

It is recommended to clear the snow from the entrance of your house as soon as possible, and ask two or more people at a time to work on the roof to ensure safety.