Precautionary measures for heavy rainfall and flooding

Check in advance the level of danger near your home or workplace and check with your local disaster prevention map or evacuation map.

Confirm the evacuation routes and places well in advance and record and save them on your cell phone or record note.

Prepare disaster prevention tools in advance, such as sandbags to block doorways to prevent the inflow of large amounts of water and so to reduce the extent of damage inside the house.

Keep backups of your important electronic devices data files in case of water inaccessibility.

Once an emergency warning is issued, take your prepared disaster bag and evacuate immediately to a designated place of safety.

If it is already too late to escape, go to a place above the second floor of your house and contact rescue services and wait.

The phenomenon of heavy rainfall and flooding

Continuous heavy rainfall for several days over the same catchment location. Hourly rainfall exceeds all-time records.

River water levels rise to overflow the embankment and water then enters roads and houses.

In severe cases, roads become rivers and vehicles float and are washed away with the water.

Residential areas lose power and drinking water, traffic is paralyzed and the ground saturated.

The mechanisms of heavy rainfall and flooding

Heavy rainfall is due to typhoons or low-pressure weather patterns and comes from rain clouds producing heavy falls over the same place for a long period of time, usually occurring during the rainy season (June to July).

Flooding is a phenomenon in which the volume of water in a river increases significantly due to heavy rainfall, causing the river to overflow its banks.