Avalanche countermeasures

If an avalanche occurs near you

1. Keep looking at the people who are being swept away.

2. Remember where your friends were caught in the avalanche (distress point) and where they disappeared (vanishing point).

3. When the avalanche stops, set up a lookout and mark the distress point and vanishing point with a pole or tree branch.

4. Search immediately using avalanche beacons (radios).

5. If you find a person caught in the avalanche, dig him/her up immediately and provide first aid.

<In case you are caught in an avalanche>

1. Run to the edge of the avalanche flow.

2. Warn others so they do not get caugh.

3. Get rid of your belongings from your body.

4.Try to swim to the surface in the snow.

5. Make a space in front of your mouth with your hand so that you have space in the snow when the avalanche stops.

6. Shout loudly when you hear someone walking above you.

The mechanisms of avalanches

Avalanches are more likely to occur when the temperature is low and there is a large amount of snowfall in a short period of time;

On steep slopes, especially in snow caves and puddles (where snow has been blown in the wind and accumulated);

When the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius and accompanied blowing snow or strong winds; Slopes where avalanches have occurred in the past;

When the temperature rises due to early spring, after rainfall, or due to the föhn phenomenon;

When there are cracks on the slope caused snow accumulation.

The phenomenon of an avalanche

Avalanches are more likely to occur when the temperature is low and there is a large amount of snowfall in a short period of time;

On steep slopes, especially in snow caves and puddles (where snow has been blown in the wind and accumulated);

When the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius and accompanied blowing snow or strong winds. Slopes where avalanches have occurred in the past;

When the temperature rises due to early spring, after rainfall, or due to the föhn phenomenon;

When there are cracks on the slope caused heavy snow accumulation.